Every weekend we're watching movies together...whether you're in Pennsylvania USA, or Sydney Australia. It's a throwback! Back to the days when you had the anticipation for waiting till the weekend to see the classic horror or science fiction film that was listed in the TV Guide. The plan is to watch a movie at 7:30PM on Saturday night in your own time zone. Or, if you can't Saturday night...anytime during the weekend. Then, we'll all get together and e-mail our thoughts on the film...a few paragraphs...or simply a sentence if you'd like. They after-viewing reviews appear first on our Creepy Classics/Monster Bash News Page. See the latest thoughts posted by viewers ther now.

Concept submitted by Mike Adams of Cartaret, New Jeresey.

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THE CREEPY CLASSICS MOVIE MOVIE NIGHT:Saturday June 23, 2012 - MOVIE - Adventure "ONE MILLION YEARS B.C. " (1966). Raquel Welch meets the dinosaurs! Ray Harryhausen effects are great! Suggested by The Monster Bash Conference, Butler, PA.

Stretching my memory back, I seem to remenber seeing this for the first time on a CBS 9 O'Clock Movie one week night back in the late 60s or early 70s. My initial impression , still remains the same after all these years. It was great but needed more Ray Harryhausen dinosaur screen time and less grunts from the cave people. Still a quality film....but it leaves you wanting more of the Ray Harruhausen magic.

-Ron Adams, Lgonier, PA

Raquel Welch is gorgeous in that fur bikini and the story of two
different cultures learning to work together still plays well today,
but the real stars of this remake of the creaky 1940 original are the
still incredible stop motion dinosaur effects work by the legendary
Ray Harryhausen. They really do come to life before your eyes and
even my daughter who was used to the JURASSIC PARK style CGI thought
the dinos were pretty cool here.

The first time I saw this was 1971 on the SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE and was
immediately caught up in it, being a third grader totally immersed in
dinosaurs. Thought the Rock people were suitably brutish and when
Tumak is banished for trying to usurp his father's authority, I
followed his unknowing journey to the more civilized Shell people's
territory with great interest. Sadly, it was a school night and after
the battle with the Allosaurus (which still looks mighty fine today),
I had to go to bed, much to my chagrin.

Saw the whole film many years later , still as good as ever and nice
to see a wrap-up. It's good to have this on DVD to watch whenever,
but it sort of lacks the excitement of waiting to see it on TV and
totally believing in what's going on-guess that's the price paid for
"growing up". Excellent suggestion and I give this **** just for the
whole fun of it.

Steve Schimming
Sanbornton, NH

From June of 1967- Chicago-land ad

-Doug, IL

Hey Bash Synchers,

I did not watch this this weekend, no need to, I have seen it numerous time and it is totally replayable in my mind at any moment. I was busy saving my seat at the Bash and chatting with Roberto Cotter and friends about Dr. Who and classic literature.

I love this movie for three reasons:

Great Harryhausen effects. Coolest dinosaurs ever. The allosaur attack is a highlight, the impalement a cool stroke of genius. I loved that since I saw it on TV in the trailer when I was 6 years old. Even the much maligned lizard is cool, and the final earthquake.

Raquel Welch. When I saw this as a kid, I learned what love is. Consequently I never went through that ¨girls are yucky¨ phase that little boys often go through. I was chasing after pretty blonds all through elementary school. My brothers broke my heart when they informed me she wasn´t really blonde, and I refused to believe them until I saw her in Kansas City Bomber and Fathom, and I thought, heck, it don´t matter what color her hair is, I´m still in love.

The music and sound design. Mario Nascimbene did a fantastic job. The sound and music turn what is basically a silly movie into something with gravity and feeling. The rumbling sound during the dinosaur sequences in lieu of music was genius, and the choral themes stand by themselves as masterpieces.

This year I saw for the first time One Million BC and was amazed at how close the 1966 version was to its predecessor in its plot. It was a lot of fun too, and I think I am falling in love all over again, this time with Carole Landis, she was kind of cute too.

See you later for Ghost Breakers, I hope!

Quieny ¨Santitito"

Your thoughts or comments on ONE MILLION YEARS B.C.? E-mail us!

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